Immunonutrition: Foods that naturally boost immunity & keep viruses at bay

Does you feel weak or catch infections very fast especially cold, cough, stomach upset and fever very often? It simply means that you have a weak immune system. But don’t worry as we have a sure shot solution to boost your immunity by nourishing your body with food as Hippocrates rightly quoted, “ Food is thy medicine’.

All of us are born with an immune system. The immune system consists of a group of cells, proteins, tissues and organs that fight against germs and infections. When an unsafe bacteria/virus enters the body, the immune system becomes active and attacks the harmful bacteria/virus. However the food we eat & the lifestyle we lead impairs the immune system of its function of protection due to lack of energy in the form of foods that fuel the immune system,

Adequate and appropriate nutrition is required for all cells to function optimally and this includes the cells in the immune system & so here are the list of nutrients & their foods sources to help boost your immunity.

Include these immune boosting nutrients in your daily diet:

  • Proteins

Proteins are also part of antibodies, interferon and complement proteins that support immune system cells or attack viruses, bacteria or other foreign substances in your body. They are found in milk, cheese, cottage cheese(paneer), curd, pulses, sprouts, eggs, chicken and fish. The animal sources however contain high biological value proteins meaning better quality proteins as compared to the vegetarian sources.

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C one of the best-known immune supporting vitamins, it contains antioxidants that increases infection fighting white blood cells and antibodies that prevent entry of viruses. It is found in most citrus fruits like oranges, lime (richest source being Amla) and juice, strawberries, bell peppers and dark green leafy vegetables like fenugreek leaves(methi) and spinach.

  • Vitamin A

It helps maintain vision and supports the immune system. Beta-carotene(Precursor of Vitamin A) increases infection fighting cells, natural killer cells and helper T-cells while decreasing the number of free radicals in the body. It is found in milk, eggs, carrots, bell peppers, oranges, peaches, tomatoes and dark green leafy vegetables.

  • Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps protect our hearts and immune system . It stimulates natural killer cells that seek out and destroy germs, bacteria and increases the production of B-cells which produce antibodies and destroy bacteria. It is found in nuts, like sunflower seeds, almonds and hazelnuts, and oils, including soybean, olive and canola oils.

  • Vitamins B6 and B12

They help maintain healthy immune function and can be found in meat, beans, fish, cereals, pulses , yogurt and fermented foods and germinated foods like sprouts.

  • Zinc:

Zinc affects multiple aspects of the immune system . Zinc is crucial for normal development and function of cells mediating innate immunity, neutrophils, and NK cells. Zinc deficiency adversely affects the growth and function of T and B cells. The ability of zinc to function as an anti-oxidant and stabilize membranes suggests that it has a role in the prevention of free radical-induced injury during inflammatory processes. Richest soucrs of Zinc are nuts and oilseeds especially sesame seeds and pulses.

  • Selenium:

Selenium has been shown to support immune function. Increase intake of selenium by consuming foods rich in selenium like eggs, nuts and oilseeds like almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and flax seeds.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Omega-3 fatty acids boost immune function by increasing phagocyte (white blood cells that destroy bacteria) activity. They also protect the body against damage from inflammation due to infection. Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E complement each other, working together to give a major boost to the immune system. Supplements do not replace food. The foods containing omega-3 fatty acids include: fish/fish oil, flax seed/flax seed oil, walnuts and canola, soyabean oil, sesame seeds and almonds.

  • Probiotics

Research shows that eating foods or supplements containing certain types of good bacteria, also known as probiotics, may improve the function of the immune system and help reduce the risk of certain types of common infections.

A probiotic is a live food ingredient that, when eaten in sufficient amounts benefit the digestive as well as immune system. Probiotics can be found in a variety of fermented foods, including yogurt, cheese and curd.

  • Flavonoids

Flavonoids ingredients in some foods that offer added health benefits and boost the immune system. They can be found in berries, bananas, cocoa, grapes, citrus foods, onions and apples. Some flavonoids help to bolster our cellular defences and may help counter the effects of harmful substances in our body that are a result of stress.

It is important to understand that Supplements do not replace food. Through a healthy diet consisting of adequate amounts of cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables we can consume all of the necessary vitamins and minerals that have multiple benefits.

So go the natural way and boost your immunity through foods that provide long term nutrition.

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1 comment

Very good information on immunity

Edward Raja

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