Top 4 Protein Rich Foods

World over protein rich foods and supplements are the new trending products in today’s supermarkets. However the importance of protein has been understood and rooted back in the ancient days. Protein basically comes from the Greek word “proteos” meaning primary or taking first place. If they understood it back then why are we so negligent in feeding our children adequate amount of proteins in their everyday diet?

Our Indian thali is filled with foods diversified with nutrients and there are so many other food groups that are rich in proteins that you may choose from to meet your body’s protein requirements.

So include these protein dense sources in your diet and there will be no more deficiencies:

  1. Milk and Milk Products: Milk whether its cow’s milk or buffalo milk or for that matter even skimmed milk has good amount of proteins. However in comparison to Buffalo milk cow’s milk and skimmed milk have greater amount of protein. Also milk products like curd, paneer/cottage cheese, cheese contain first class proteins.
  2. Nuts and oilseeds: Nuts like almonds, walnuts, pistachios and cashew nuts and oilseeds like flaxseeds, sesame/ til, gardencress seeds(commonly called haleem in hindi), poppy seeds, watermelon seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and many more are rich in protein, calcium , iron, Omega-3 fatty acids and zinc.
  3. Legumes and pulses: Include various forms of dal whole or split in your diet like soyabean, moong , chana dal, masoor dal, kabuli chana or rajma. Also add wholesome sprouts of the above in your daily menu. Adding sprouts not only provides proteins but eases the process of digestion, light on your stomach and adds vitamin C to your diet.

If you’re a Non vegetarian you may also include:-

4. Meat and Poultry: Lean cuts of meat, fish, egg and chicken can be included and must be barbequed, roasted, grilled or shallow fried are much better ways to cook than our usual way of frying them.

Also the combinations in which you prepare your meal are important and a good combination will ensure optimal absorption of your nutrient.

  1. Combine two plant sources for example rasam rice, idli sambhar or something as simple as khichdi.
  2. Combine a plant source with an animal source for example curd rice, Paneer Paratha or cheese soya cutlet.

Follow these simple tips and include them in your diet for stronger muscles,luscious hair & immunity boosting.

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